EQUALITY IN THE CITY– Making Cities Socially Cohesive
In April 2014, thousands of participants in World Urban forum 7 gathered at Medellín, Colombia, culminating in the WUF7 Declaration calling for ‘urban plans and policies that
link current urban development with future needs, and that are solidly grounded in the
fundamental principles of equity, justice and human rights’.
The focus of the 2014 WTPD online conference will be to showcase and celebrate such plans
and policies around the world. We seek examples of projects, tools and programs that:
- have achieved measurable improvements towards social cohesion
- can be replicated around the world to address similar issues in other communities
- are inclusive and engage with all sectors of the community.
We invite you to contribute to the 6th Online Conference for World Town Planning Day by
submitting a paper relating to the conference title and the following session themes.