Junio - Agosto 2014 Jueves 17:30 hrs. Salas 4 a 9 Con la intención de ofrecer perspectivas de las obras que se exhiben en el MUAC desde diferentes disciplinas y área de conocimiento, te invitamos a los recorridos por las exposiciones actuales, guiados por invitados especiales. Estos recorridos nos animarán a pensar el arte desde ángulos diferentes a los acostumbrados y darle nuevas lecturas a las piezas en el museo. Informes y registro: [email protected] 56226972 / 73 | Junio - Agosto 2014 Sábado 12:00 hrs. Salas 4 a 9 Se invita a los curadores de la exposición y del MUAC a dar un recorrido personalizado a los públicos interesados, bajo sus propias perspectivas e interpretaciones. Informes y registro: [email protected] 56226972 / 73 | 2 de Agosto de 2014 Sábado 12:00 hrs. Sala de Conferencias En el marco de la exposición Desafío a la estabilidad. Procesos artísticos en México 1952-1967, Cuauhtémoc Medina, Curador en Jefe del MUAC, y Vicente Rojo, artista visual, platicarán acerca de la práctica artística del maestro, así como de su perspectiva sobre el arte en las décadas de los cincuenta y sesenta con respecto al arte contemporáneo mexicano actual. Información: [email protected] 56226999 ext. 48829 @ENLACE_MUAC |
Visita el sitio web del Museo Universitario Arte Contemporáneo: http://www.muac.unam.mx Lunes 30 de junio, 18:00 horas | Sala Miguel Covarrubias | Centro Cultural Universitario de la UNAM.
Para más información consultar: www.cultura.unam.mx/jepacheco Visita Cultura.UNAM Architectural Record presents a unique symposium which will look at design and innovation in multi-unit housing in Dallas, which is currently experiencing the hottest housing market in its history. EARN 3 CEUs I JULY 16, 2014 I DALLAS, TX I REGISTER NOW Program at the Nasher Sculpture Center: 4:00pm – 5:00pm CEU Session Presented by WoodWorks – The Wood Products Council 5:00pm – 6:00pm CEU Session Presented by ZIP System Sheathing 6:00pm – 7:00pm – Panel Discussion on Design & Innovation in Multi-Unit Housing 7:00pm – Cocktail Reception Panel Discussion Moderated by Cathleen McGuigan, Editor-in-Chief, Architectural Record Dallas is experiencing the hottest housing market in its history – or at least since the oil boom of the early 20th Century. In this symposium, Architectural Record will examine a range of new multi-unit housing options, recently completed or under construction, with a panel of Dallas architects who specialize in designing this building type. From 3- to 5-unit town homes (often replacing single-family homes in increasingly dense neighborhoods) to new and rehabilitated affordable housing to new apartment towers and downtown warehouse conversions, our speakers will address the multitude and variety of housing being built for most income levels. Introduction: Mark Lamster Dallas Morning News Mark Lamster is the architecture critic for the Dallas Morning News and a professor in the architecture school at the University of Texas at Arlington. Panel Speakers: Russell Buchanan, FAIA, LEED AP Buchanan Architecture Milton Anderson, AIA Merriman Associates/Architects CEU Session Presented by ZIP System Sheathing
CEU Session Presented by WoodWorks Session Topic: Mid-Rise and Beyond: The Growing Landscape for Mid-Rise and Taller Wood Buildings The use of wood-frame construction for mid-rise projects is innovative in its ability to achieve multiple, simultaneous objectives. Wood is a code-compliant solution to the issue of how to cost-effectively increase density while creating vibrant urban environments. A renewable resource, it can also help meet the sustainability requirements of even the most stringent green building rating systems, while offering the additional benefit of carbon sequestration. The innovative use of wood is in fact changing the skyline. Increasingly, five- and six-story wood buildings are rising up among traditional concrete and steel shells as designers and developers embrace timber’s vast potential for lower costs, faster installation, and a significantly lighter carbon footprint. Through the use of case studies, this session will showcase recently completed projects that illustrate this trend. Topics will include current code allowances for mid-rise wood buildings, design strategies and environmental performance. Discussion will also touch on the international trend toward even taller wood buildings, made possible by emerging research and the development of advanced wood products and technologies Registration Fee: $25.00 I REGISTER NOW
Reflexions a 10 años de su inscripción en la Lista de Patrimonio Mundial de la UNESCO.
Conferencia Magistral "La arquitectura de Luis Barragán, una mirada al patrimonio moderno desde España" Presenta: Eduardo Pesquera Miércoles 2 de Julio, 19:00 horas | Auditorio del Museo Rufino Tamayo Mesa Redonda "Barragán, origen y presencia" Presentan: Louise Noelle Gras, Juan Palomar Verea, Jorge Esquinca Moderador: Xavier Guzmán Urbiola Jueves 3 de Julio, 19:00 horas | Sala Manuel M. Ponce del PBA Este taller ofrecerá un panorama sobre las posibilidades que implican construir sus propias herramientas con programación, disciplina que actualmente se encuentra en la vanguardia del hacer, tanto en el arte electrónico contemporáneo, como en el diseño y las biociencias. Taller dentro del marco de las actividades del Festival OFFF 2014.
Más información aquí: Centro de Cultura Digital Paseo de Reforma s/n Esquina Lieja Colonia Juárez - C.P. 06600 Mexico D.F. |
Mayo 2016
AutorNoticias cotidianas del ámbito arquitectónico y universitario Categorías